The Call to Courage

Standing Up and Speaking Out Against the Assaults on Democracy, Educators, and Students in America's Schools

Sheldon Berman and Luvelle Brown

Our nation is rocked by ideological divisions threatening both the work of educators and the core of our democracy. Individuals and groups are attacking public education and implementing policies antithetical to education in a democratic society. They seek to impose their own beliefs upon students and educational institutions by censoring materials, ideas, and practices they find objectionable. They promote intolerance through exclusionary and discriminatory policies and practices concerning persons of different racial, ethnic, religious, national origin, gender, or political identities. They advocate abandoning discussion of culture and identity—despite their importance to student success—to ensure that preferential consideration continues for the prevailing culture. And they close off open dialogue and scrutiny of factual evidence, instead imposing their own agendas. In doing so, they politicize education, bring partisanship into the classroom, promote indoctrination, and undermine education’s democratic goals.

At their best, public schools are an anathema to indoctrination and authoritarianism because they bring a wide range of perspectives into the classroom and teach students to think independently. A democratic and pluralistic society requires that individuals honor and respect differences in identities and beliefs, endorse the pursuit of truth through examination of factual evidence, and participate in open dialogue to resolve issues of difference. Education in a democratic society must support the development of these attitudes, skills, and values in young people. Yet our nation’s culture wars are being fomented by those who have a contradictory vision of American education.

The current times call on each of us to understand what is at risk and to summon the courage to stand up for the pursuit of justice, equity, and a meaningful democracy. But how do we develop and express that personal courage to support schools in promoting respect for diversity and inclusivity, enhancing children’s well-being and social-emotional development, affirming the goals of equitable access and opportunity for all, and providing students with the knowledge and skills to sustain and strengthen our democratic society? At the state and local levels, how do we change the culture of educational endeavors from divisive to collaborative?

This book is a clarion call to parents, educators, students, community members, and education leaders to take courageous action in response to the current threats. To support these individuals in bravely choosing to stand up and speak out, The Call to Courage shares the stories and strategies of others who are boldly and publicly embracing that very challenge.

Praise for The Call to Courage

Standing Up and Speaking Out Against the Assaults on Democracy, Educators, and Students in America's Schools

The Call to Courage responds to the urgent need for educative leadership in these times of political divisiveness. It provides an in-depth analysis of the issues we’re confronting, along with current and historical examples of leaders who have courageously protected the well-being of students, teachers, and democracy. The authors, both seasoned school district leaders, speak from experience, sharing their own struggles that called for courage. The book’s pragmatic ideas for strategically reducing polarization while advancing justice will serve the field for years to come.

—Linda Darling-Hammond, professor emeritus, Stanford University; president of the Learning Policy Institute

The Call to Courage is a timely and compelling guide for education leaders navigating the turbulent waters of deep ideological divisions affecting the United States today. In a landscape where the viability of public education is intertwined with the very fabric of democracy, the authors—experienced school superintendents—provide invaluable insights into the essential role of courage in leadership. By delving into the roots of courage, exploring personal stories, and addressing pivotal questions, this book empowers education leaders, families, and communities to confront divisive challenges in a productive, human-centered way, inspiring a collective commitment to nurturing courage in ourselves and our students.

—Lu Young, executive director, UK Center for Next Generation Leadership; associate professor, educational leadership studies, University of Kentucky; past chair, Kentucky Board of Education; former district superintendent

The Call to Courage presents a clear-eyed picture of how antidemocratic movements are targeting public education and the principles underlying a multiracial democracy. Drawing on the experiences of two former superintendents who have championed educational equity, the book offers a hopeful vision for how we can all stand up and make a difference. It is essential reading for educational leaders, school board members, and parents concerned about the future of public education and our shared democracy.

—John Rogers, professor of education, UCLA; director, UCLA Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access

This book serves as a powerful rallying cry in the face of escalating ideological divisions that threaten the very essence of our democratic society. It sheds light on the challenges educators face as they strive to uphold the values of education while confronting attempts to impose narrow beliefs and stifle diversity of thought. Through compelling narratives and insightful strategies, The Call to Courage urges parents, educators, students, and community leaders to unite and bravely confront the forces that seek to politicize education and undermine its democratic principles. It is a call to action, inspiring readers to stand up for justice, equity, and a robust democracy in the realm of education.

—Shaun Nelms, director of the Center for Urban Education Success, University of Rochester; author of Leading with Purpose: Empowering Others to Create Lasting Change

The book is highly readable, practical, and a much-needed call to action. The Call to Courage confronts all of us, whether in formal or informal leadership roles, with the need to counter the dysfunctional and polemic attacks on local schools and districts and to stand up for the core values of public education as being inclusive, equitable, and purposefully diverse.

The authors are veteran superintendents who write thoughtfully and knowledgeably about keeping clear that public education is the DNA of an improving democracy through educating independent, knowledgeable, and open-minded citizens.

What sets this book apart from others about education and democracy are its numerous examples of how parents, librarians, teachers, school board members, official school leaders, and community members—through calm determination and activism—have reinvigorated education in their communities to be aligned with core values. Among the book’s strengths are practical guidelines and procedures for countering hostilities, intimidations, and power takeovers.

These two authors know of what they write from their challenges, their vulnerabilities, and their willingness to challenge the vocal and disruptive minority who strive for the demise of public purpose.

—Carl Glickman, professor emeritus of education, University of Georgia; coauthor of The Essential Renewal of America’s Schools

about the education and well-being of young people that we really can make a difference. Through examples of everyday heroes who have transcended fear to make a difference, the book inspires us to engage, offers us practical strategies for overcoming hate, and reminds us that courage is the essential foundation upon which meaningful action is built.

—Brent McKim, president, National Council of Urban Education Associations; president, Jefferson County Teachers Association, Louisville, Kentucky

The Call to Courage is the right book for these times. Authored by seasoned practitioners and staunch advocates for public education and for children, it confronts the profound challenges posed by ideological divisions currently gripping our nation. Through compelling personal stories and insightful reflections, it urges educators, parents, and leaders to summon the courage required to champion justice and equity in education for all children. What sets The Call to Courage apart is its important message that courage is not only an innate trait but a quality that can be nurtured and developed with intentionality. This book is an inspirational call to action, and it’s essential reading for those dedicated to shaping a brighter future for our children and our nation. I hope we will all join the authors in their call to courage, because this is a book that will inspire, challenge, and empower us to make a difference!

—Aaron C. Spence, superintendent, Loudoun County Public Schools, Virginia

In its resounding message, The Call to Courage fiercely champions equity in education, promoting unity against divisive forces that imperil inclusivity and opportunity. Its riveting narratives and actionable guidance summon parents, educators, and leaders to forge an unbreakable alliance, fortifying education’s pivotal role in fostering diversity, equity, and the triumphant growth of every student within our democratic tapestry. A vital arsenal for systems leaders and equity warriors alike!

—Alex Marrero, superintendent, Denver Public Schools; president-elect, Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents

Our public school system is the backbone of our democracy. It is what inspires the true American dream for many of our students and parents, one that ensures a free STET appropriate public education for all that leads to future pathways to define one’s success. The Call to Courage is a must-read for those fighting to ensure our public school system continues to be that pathway for our students and families. Education has always been political, but never so partisan. This book explores avenues to support ALL our students, educators, and families on their journey toward acceptance in an ever-changing America.
—Gustavo Balderas, superintendent, Beaverton School District, Oregon; president-elect, AASA, The School Superintendents Association; president, Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents

Sheldon Berman and Luvelle Brown have written a book that is essential reading for school system leaders and parent leaders. As our nation wrestles with increased political divisions and as educators are under attack, Berman and Brown offer a compelling argument and practical considerations for leaders to defend public education. Courage is required if educators and parents are going to counteract those who want to tear down public education. This book will inspire and sustain leaders who want to do the right thing, even when it is difficult.

—Joshua P. Starr, managing partner, Center for Model Schools; former superintendent; former CEO of Phi Delta Kappa International

I work every day with superintendents and other school leaders who are under attack—often, confoundingly, because they are choosing to do what is right for all students. Sheldon Berman and Luvelle Brown have written a book that provides a thoughtful and principled perspective about the importance of leading with courage in our divided communities, supported by personal stories that illuminate the difficult choices K–12 leaders face. Ready to stand up for public education and our democracy? Then The Call to Courage is for you.

—Craig Hawkins, executive director, Coalition of Oregon School Administrators

The Call to Courage offers a blueprint for cultivating the audacity to lead in today’s political climate. This is a must-read for everyone committed to inclusive education through bold, visionary leadership.

—Charles S. Dedrick, executive director, New York State Council of School Superintendents

This book could not come at a more critical time for our schools and the children they serve. From book bans to curriculum censorship to discrimination that forces out dedicated educators, America’s schools are under attack by a barrage of false narratives. These attacks are part of an extremist political movement masquerading as education reform. Elected school board members, educators, parents, and students are being targeted and victimized. This book explains the impact of extremists and how educators and communities can come together to counter falsehoods with truths and protect the democratic principles in our schools that strive to create free thinkers and provide equitable access to education for each and every student in America.

—Colt Gill, former director, Oregon Department of Education; former district superintendent

Too often it is forgotten that our country is only hundreds of years old and is a grand experiment in representative democracy. At this moment, we are experiencing a political and social crisis. The Call to Courage reminds us that this is not a new experience for the country. We have worked our way through previous crises because people of courage have stepped up.

In The Call to Courage, we read the stories of how positional leaders and ordinary people showed courage in times of need. The book is centered around equity as a core principle of democracy. While focused on education, it has lessons that reach beyond schools and schooling. In my own quest to understand the times, I was buoyed by hearing the stories of how others chose to show courage, reclaim the narrative, and work collaboratively through open dialogue to resolve differences.

I thank the authors for their courageous service to the field of education and for sharing the lessons they have learned—especially that each of us must lead from where we are.

—Janice E. Jackson, former deputy superintendent, Boston Public Schools; former deputy assistant secretary, U.S. Department of Education–Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

When I was a very young boy, I remember seeing my parents’ paperback copy of John F. Kennedy’s Profiles in Courage. I read the book, appreciated the history, and didn’t really connect to the lessons. As models who have stood in the arena, Shelley Berman and Luvelle Brown breathe life and meaning into those lessons through their stories. They help us understand the courage needed to go from vision to service.

—Mort Sherman, senior associate executive director, Leadership Network, AASA, The School Superintendents Association; former superintendent